
    As if this incredible stolen election with its profound consequences for the USA and the rest of the world, were not enough to depress me to the point where writing and blogging become almost impossible, I have a wound on my left arm that is driving me crazy. The cat bit me! I’ve had cats (and two dogs) all my life, I’ve been scratched, punctured, and nipped at, but a real bite? Never! On Wednesday (12/16) I was in bed, he was cuddled next to me, I raised my arm and he took a flying leap and bit into the vein that gushed blood for several minutes. Running hot water over it stopped the bleeding. But it did not heal as I had hoped and so a trip to the doctor (12/21), antibiotics and misery have been my lot this week. This is called “cellulitis”, and is comparable to an abscess. Rarely does it heal without drugs. It seems to be slightly better today (12/24). What an ugly repulsive sore it is!

    Hardly a pleasant Christmas story, but my personal pain is nothing compared to the collective fear, uncertainty, outrage, and disbelief we have experienced since the election, and especially since it became evident that the RINOS of the Republican Party were abandoning their leader. FOX News down the tubes, SCOTUS down the tubes, the GOP down the tubes. All down the tubes, into the toilet bowl of history. A mind-boggling array of traitors. Et tu Brute?, said Donald Trump as one by one they caved. Attorney General Barr; the corrupt governor of Georgia Brian Kemp; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (who is conveniently married to a Chinese woman. Quite a number of American politicians have Chinese women); News Max (the so-called “conservative” network); the White House staff some of whom refused to let Sidney Powell in to see DJT; Senator Toomey from Pennsylvania who feels Trump should concede so we can get on with business, etc… Business!!! How can we get on if we are squarely in the hands of the CCP? Which is exactly where we will be.

    I have been posting on Twitter (click link at top), and I hope some of you follow me there even if you don’t care for Twitter’s limitations. I do intend to keep Galliawatch “alive” (but it is on “life-support” for now).

    A reminder that two of the best Twitter pages I know of for information on the election are:




    If you go to my or Diana’s Twitter page you will see a video of a speech Donald Trump gave yesterday. He gives a clear and concise description of what happened, of how the election was stolen.



    I’ve mentioned Andy before - his videos chronicle  the destruction of our cities, especially Portland, by leftist groups, at great risk to his own life.


    Dr. Simone Gold has been valiantly supporting those doctors who use safe treatments such as the HCQ cocktail I have mentioned so many times (Hydroxy+zinc+antibiotic). She has just posted a Tweet informing that Dr. Zev Zelenko’s account has been suspended by Twitter. Dr. Zelenko is the creator of the “cocktail”. Recently he has acknowledged that the latest strain of the virus is much more contagious than the previous one. He suggests the new “vaccine” will probably be ineffective, but he feels the HCQ treatment may still work in the early stages of illness.

    On the topic of HCQ, read Vlad Tepes article on the destruction of the HCQ factory in Taiwan. How mysterious - a plant that makes HCQ suddenly explodes just as the new and more powerful strain of virus appears.

    In France, as you probably heard, Emmanuel Macron (to the glee of many) became infected with Covid-19, but has now recovered. He and his Prime minister Jean Castex continue to issue one order after another on lock-downs, resulting in confusion, frustration and sometimes rebellion as in Lyon on December 8 when a fireworks display was secretly organized despite orders banning all activities. The spectacle is a yearly event in Lyon celebrating the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary who protects the city. Apparently, religious patriots were undeterred by the mayor’s orders to cancel all activities. Below, image of the fireworks.



    Another recent story concerns the killing of three gendarmes sent to the scene of a domestic quarrel in le Puy-de-Dôme The husband was heavily armed with knives & semi-automatic weapons. The wife had been terrorized by him, but the question that must be answered is whether or not the gendarmes were informed of the high risk of going after this man who was hell-bent on slaughtering anybody who came along. Who was he? As of now, I only know that Le Figaro calls him a “practicing Catholic, very extremist, a survivalist,” who entered shooting competitions. He fled the scene and was found dead of self-inflicted wounds to the head.

    To call such a person a “practicing Catholic” is indicative of the twisted Masonic ideology that runs through French authorities. Maybe he was a Catholic, but it was not in the name of Catholicism that he committed these murders.


    All over America, especially on the West Coast, guillotines have been introduced to warn the population of what is coming. A sadistic reference to the French Revolution, a terrifying omen of what could happen if governments continue to seize upon the virus as a way of controlling our every movement, our every thought. Similar in many ways to the horse's head in the bed of (I forget who) in The Godfather. Below, our flag about to be "be-headed". Death to America is the goal of Soros, Gates, High Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media. The American Democratic Party is now the American Communist Party. There is so far no indication Trump will call in troops or use any kind of military action. Others say he will, but he has not said so. I don't believe he will. Look at what it would unleash. But then, look at what we have to endure if he doesn't...

    Pray for strength to get through this nightmare.


     Source of photo.


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    As is my unfortunate custom I started a new post about a week ago and have not yet finished, distracted as I am by events here in America. Every day brings some new shocking piece of news, some new potential catastrophe, some portentous event that destabilizes what little inner peace I have left. 

    The French patriotic and Catholic websites I visit are waiting with bated breath for a resolution to the election, and most articles either support Donald Trump or go further predicting in detail how he will come out the winner. Their confidence is breathtaking.

    He may win. If he does, to say that heads will roll is the euphemism of the century. The rolling heads will NOT be just Democrats. The Republican Party has proven itself to be as much a part of the swamp as its adversary. Cowardice and fear of exposure are the underlying reasons why so many are jumping off a ship they think is sinking. Like Fox News - good riddance. This is what Benedict Arnold did, and we know how history has treated him. But Benedict Arnold made a miscalculation, thinking Washington could never win the war. You could almost understand his point of view. Whereas DC Republicans (sometimes referred to as Conservatism, Inc.) are long-term allies of liberalism, preferring the NWO, globalism, nation-destroying multiculturalism, security-destroying immigration, to traditional conservative values: God, family, country and America first. The liberal agenda of Mr. Biden aims to make China first, America last. And the Republicans will gladly accommodate themselves if they must. Furthermore, some Republicans have cut deals to get cushy positions in a higher echelon of activity, and to support Trump may cost them those deals. 

    However, authentic patriots will come out of this stronger and more determined, whether Trump wins or loses. This is what the French call the "droite de conviction" - a right-wing that believes in what it says, that has the courage of its convictions.

    Everybody agrees that Donald Trump stands in the way of the Soros-Gates-Rockefeller-Obama overthrow of traditional America. He stands in the way of Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Tech, and he stands in the way of the Great Replacement and the Great Reset. He is a most irksome man. Half the planet wants to get rid of him. But he is fighting to the death.

    Emmanuel Macron is just as irksome, in reverse. He stands for everything Donald Trump opposes. He has exposed himself as a petty tyrant, an implacable foe of individual freedoms, an enabler of human misery. I hope to have a post on his recent actions during the terrible "second wave" of Covid-19, an illness caused by a bio-engineered virus "sent" originally by Communist China, exploited to create mass hysteria, fear, bankruptcy, and to prime the French people for what is to come - a complete "overhaul" of the financial systems of the world, including the abolition of currency, the denial of property rights, and the dehumanization of man.

    I have been posting on Twitter which is much easier than doing a long post. Enjoy your day, and hope for a miracle.


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    She says: Shut up and obey.

    He says: We stole the election fair and square.

    I cannot post on the election since I feel you all have been supersaturated with information, both true and false. French patriots are as concerned as we are. I think we have to realize a grim fact of life: the United States is at least one half pro-Communist, anti-American, anti-white, anti-Western and anti-Christian. ONE HALF! Not ten percent, not twenty percent. Hollywood is gloating. George W. Bush is gloating (he acknowledged Biden the winner. I maintain that RINOS are worse than Democrats.) The "intelligentsia" is gloating. The FBI and CIA are gloating. Obama is gloating. Condoleeza Rice is gloating. Fox News, now totally discredited, is gloating.

    At Riposte Laïque, Pierre Cassen, the administrator of the site, says:

    It appears in a clear and indisputable way that the Democratic Party and its candidate, Joe Biden, mounted a veritable electoral coup d’État to prevent the American people from electing Donald Trump. In any democracy, a putschist is arrested and thrown in jail in a situation like this, and the complicit party is dissolved. It is unthinkable that the suffrage of the people is trampled on by cheaters. If he wants to save the values of his country, Donald Trump has no choice: Biden in prison, and dissolution of the Democratic Party.

    Here is an inactive link to V Dare, an anti-immigration website, often banned, devoted to preserving the historic American nation. The article explains why Trump must never concede. Post link in your browser.


    Note: If you happen to read in The Hill, or CNN, or Slate, that the bells of the churches of Paris rang out to celebrate Biden’s victory, Le Salon Beige informs us it is not true. Some bells were rung inadvertently, on the assumption that Mass would take place, but the  French Council of State has banned the Mass for the general public. An individual can enter a church or request to speak to the priest. Mass can be given outdoors to groups. In addition, marriages and funerals must obey restrictions on the number of people in attendance.

    French Catholics have been fighting these restrictions, so far to no avail.

    Below, French Catholics gather at Nantes cathedral on Sunday November 8 to demand the Council of State rescind the restrictions on Sunday Mass inside the church.

    Photo from LSB, where you'll find other scenes of the gathering.



    In other bad news, Armenia has been pushed against the wall and forced into a cease-fire with Azerbaijan. No news on whether France will help militarily. Armenians were trapped and outnumbered as the enemy forces increased in size. A tragic situation for a Christian people abandoned (as they always have been) by Europe. No news on whether or not the US can help them, but it’s not likely.


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  4. Note: despite the long delay I am posting this article because its importance has not diminished. It was begun about 10 days ago, then interrupted by the election. What happened in Nice is not the first attack, not the first beheading, and it won’t be the last.

    Three people were killed in the Notre-Dame Basilica of Nice on October 29, 2020 (designated by Muslims as “Mohammed’s Day”): a woman of 70 was decapitated, the sacristan of the church had his throat slit, a woman of 44, and mother of three, was knifed several times. She managed to flee to a bar where she died shortly thereafter. Before dying she said: “Tell my children I love them.” Her name was Simone Baretto Silva (below), Brazilian born, a French citizen who worked as a nurse’s aide. She had been in France for thirty years. The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, called the deed by its true name: “an act of anti-Christian hatred”:

     - She was there praying and this guy who hates Christians came in. When we speak of “Christianophobia” that is what we mean… we must fight against it, and not with flowers. (Dreuz)

    Yves Daoudal writes:

    The perpetrator of the triple Islamic murder in the church in Nice is a Tunisian, an illegal migrant that the Italian judges had condemned to expulsion. Just like the killer of the priest in Como, last month.

    Note: In September, Don Roberto Malgesini, the priest of Como, was (according to the Vatican) knifed to death by a homeless person, “afflicted with mental problems…” They forgot to point out that the “homeless person” is a Tunisian Muslim, 53, who has been the object of several expulsion orders since 2015. They forgot to add that the fatal blow was “to the throat” - in other words, the priest had his throat slit. As for “mental problems” they are not documented anywhere. (Yves Daoudal)

    Returning to the perpetrator in Nice:

    He had been fished out of the Mediterranean by one of those boats that pick up illegals on the African coast to bring them to Europe. On October 9 the Red Cross of Bari took charge of him.

    All immigrationists and all those who lie about Islam (including the Pope and many bishops) are responsible for these murders.

    An article posted at Boulevard Voltaire by political scientist Olivier Piacentini provides the political context of the triple murder:

    With the attack in the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice, the modus operandi, like the choice of target, is clearly an attack against our civilization and our nation.

    France is in the crosshairs of conquering Islam, rallied under Erdogan’s red crescent. If our leaders were less naive, less bleeding-heart, less compromised because of their Muslim clientele, they could have easily foreseen the situation in which we find ourselves, and defended our country. Especially at this precise moment, with mounting tensions, and this Islam that is spewing forth its hostility towards our country, our civilization, our mores and our customs.

    For years I and so many others have been predicting civil war in France. Until that sinister October 16 (when Samuel Paty was beheaded), we endured nothing but jeers, accusations of racism, Islamophobia, fascism, nazism, and all sorts of insults. It doesn’t take a genius to connect the presence of about 25% of the Muslim population of Europe on our soil with the rise in terrorist attacks, but also with savage acts, knife attacks, and guerrilla warfare against authority. Only the blind could not see that, except of course for the selective blind, those who only see what they want to see and who continue to speak of the terrorism of the extreme right as the main problem, as Jean-Luc Mélenchon said recently.
    (Note: He is head of LFI, a pro-communist party.)

    France’s problem is the treason of her ruling elite who are so quick to point to Hitler and Nazism, but who have been acting for years like Chamberlain at Munich, and who, being cowardly,  would prefer to let evil prosper, no doubt believing it will spare them, rather than confront it.

    Today, conquering Islam is the fifth column, very much present, sure of itself and determined to wreak havoc. It has struck twice in less than twelve hours, just after the warlike pronouncements of Macron, like a challenge to the authority of this country, as if to show that they could not care less about decisions of a government that can no longer touch them. As the Turks in Lyon demonstrated Wednesday night when they assembled by the hundreds, (perhaps prompted by the ultra-nationalist terrorist group “Grey Wolves”), to chase Armenians crying “Allah Akbar”; but also, and above all to humiliate France, and her cowardly, incapable government, and to hand Erdogan a new and easy victory, on enemy lands to boot.

    The “Islamist” conquest of Europe is on the move. It is through France, the weak link, blinded by universalism and the rights of man that it is beginning. And to stop it, we will need war leaders of a different mettle than Macron and Merkel…

    Below, "Grey Wolves" slogan being washed away.

    Note: For clarity, the timeline of events is as follows:

    Friday October 16 -  Teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded.

    Wednesday October 28 - Armenians and Turks clashed in confrontations on the A7 highway near Lyon. Armenians blocked the highway for over two hours. Several people were injured.

    Wednesday October 28, evening - Three hundred Turks arrived in the streets of Décines (near Lyon) shouting hostile slogans and threatening “to kill the Armenians”.

    The prefect of the region of le Rhône issued this statement: “Attempts at intimidation do not have a place in the Republic”. Such faith in the Republic is heart-warming. But we can be sure that when a Turkish terrorist or a jihadist is determined to kill, he will kill. The prefect succeeded this time in dispersing the invaders, but next time?

    Thursday October 29, morning - A 21-year-old Tunisian named Brahim Issaoui entered the Notre-Dame Basilica in Nice and killed three people. (And the prefect was speechless?)

    Below, the mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi, in suit, fourth from left. Despite his protests to the contrary he collaborated in the Islamization of Nice by granting land to the Muslim associations for the building of a mosque. Having a mosque is the first step in the takeover of a city or country.


    From the Daily Mail where you will find tons of photos of the Nice attack, comes this list of  related events:

     -  A security guard at the French consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, was stabbed and wounded;
     - A man armed with a knife was arrested in Sartrouville near a church after vowing 'to do as in Nice';
      - An Afghan man was arrested in Lyon trying to board a train while armed with a long knife;
      - Malaysia's ex-PM said that Muslims have a right 'to kill millions of French people' if Islam is insulted;
      - French politicians lined up to demand tougher action against what Nice's mayor branded 'Islamo-fascism';
      - Online jihadists celebrated the triple killing in France and Saudi Arabia today, a report by SITE said

    Below, Armenians march in Lyon:



    Below, Turks and Azeris pursue Armenians in Lyon:


    As for the attack in Austria, the number of dead rose to seven in the course of the news report. Indian Express has lots of videos.

    Also, Raymond Ibrahim, with host Steve Bannon, has a short video on the Austrian massacre.

    Below, a gorgeous photo from Austria, but a horrific attack:

    Note: There is much much more to be said on the Nice attack and the origins of the Islamic presence in Nice; on the enfeebled French government that can only respond with idiocies such as “this is unacceptable”.

    Another topic of importance is the presence in France of Christian Armenians, largely assimilated into French culture, side by side with less well-assimilated Turks who came in thanks to the open-border, multi-cultural ideology, creating a SECOND front within France. First, Muslims versus the French; then Turks versus Armenians. But it’s the same battle.

    One thing in France’s favor is the loyalty the government has shown towards its Armenian citizens who are among the best assimilated foreigners in the country. To call them foreigners is almost improper - they absorbed French culture like a sponge and they have tried to give back. The Lebanese Catholics are another Francophone group with long-standing ties to France and a deep interest and loyalty to French civilization. These Christian groups, so oppressed, must be supported.

    However, there are also Muslim groups that have been loyal to France, without receiving much thanks. The Harkis for example who fought for French Algeria alongside French soldiers during the bitter Algerian War that ended with Algerian independence were rejected by de Gaulle as French citizens and often placed in camps, when they weren’t massacred by other Algerians who regarded them as traitors.

    There is also more to be said about the multiple accusations and threats hurled at France, at Emmanuel Macron in particular, from Muslim countries around the world offended by the cartoons (or claiming to be) and holding Macron responsible. Protest marches in Muslim countries called  for boycotts against French products. Turkish president Erdogan called Macron "mentally ill", a term that applies equally well to Erdogan himself and to everybody who collaborated on the Islamization of France...

    Hopefully, I'll have time time to deal with a fraction of these topics...


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  5. Please note: I have been unusually distracted by events in America. I hope to post soon on acts of terrorism in France and Austria, as well as Macron's sudden fall from grace in the Islamic world as he insists that the French Republic endorses a "right" to blasphemy. There is of course no inherent right to blasphemy except in so far as a government creates one. If he intends to keep millions of Muslims on French soil he may have to change the blasphemy laws. But his real problem is not that. His real problem is the massive presence of Islam on French soil. He seems to have no intention of changing immigration policies.

    Macron is embroiled with both Lebanon and Turkey over the blasphemy laws.

    If he bends to their will he will have admitted that sharia is stronger than French law. If he doesn't he will surely face more murders of innocent Frenchmen. But this is the result of trying to meld together two cultures that are totally different and not meant to be compatible. Equality does not mean compatibility. 

    Macron's ambassador to Sweden recently said on Swedish television that "France is a Muslim country", causing a minor controversy. But then, Sweden is also a Muslim country!  So what's the problem?

    France is also locked down as the number of cases of Covid-19 soar. I am still skeptical of statistics on this virus. 

    As for the three persons killed in Nice in the cathedral they can be regarded as victims of a collaboration between the French authorities in Nice and the Islamic population. Years ago the mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi allowed the building of a mosque, though at the time he denied it. The on-going collaboration between mayors and Muslim associations in the proliferation of mosques throughout France is not a new story. France is reaping the whirlwind.

    Things are not much better here. The American Democratic Party has proven itself to be a model of anti-American hatred, a model of brazen indifference to democratic procedures, a model of sheer thuggery. 

    The American Democratic Party is now the leading force in the world for chaos, globalism, cancel-culture, and totalitarian control of the human mind.  They won't rest until the Constitution is destroyed and all freedoms abolished. Kamala Harris will become president since Mr. Biden is incapacitated. His age, his apparent memory failings, his corrupt past will all work against a four-year term. She has a "reputation", and she will appeal to young liberals with their bogus diplomas and their abortion mania. She is also overtly pro-Communist, and that always helps.

    The election is not over, but I am assuming Biden stole it. Trump's lawyers and supporters will have to find the energy and the will to fight this unprecedented crime that was visible to all: mailboxes broken into, ballots stuffed in bags and confiscated, poll watchers locked out of the polls they were supposed to be watching, treason from the RINO media, i.e. Fox, etc... Twitter banned Trump's statement and Steve Bannon called for the arrest of Jack Dorsey, etc... It's been a wild 72 hours.

    I have been posting sound bites on Twitter, for those interested. And you can follow some of those I follow: Diana West, Andy Ngô, Sebastien Gorka, among others...


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    It is now 5:26 a.m.  I have not been to bed, and I must get some sleep.

    There has been a terrorist attack in Nice. It took place inside the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. According to first reports two people are dead - one was a woman who was decapitated;  I believe the other was also decapitated (or had his/her throat slit) - I don't have all the details. FdeSouche.

    Please consult your own sources. The police caught the killer, who was injured. I don't know his name or condition at this moment. Will try to follow up later today. 

    (Meanwhile, please note that both coasts of the United States are experiencing serious rioting and property damage. Police in Philly were ordered Tuesday NOT to arrest rioters, but to disperse them! We now have the same situation as France where for years police have been told NOT to harm criminals. Portland is again being destroyed.)


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  7. French patriots and French traditional Catholics have been following closely the American election. Even if they have complaints about Donald Trump, they have no doubts about the urgent need to re-elect him. On the day Amy Coney Barret was sworn in as the latest justice of the Supreme Court a reader commented at Le Salon Beige:

     - May this magnificent appointment be a good sign of what is going to transpire next week:

     - the culture of life against the culture of death
     - internal peace against civil war
     - patriotism against globalism
     - honesty against systemic corruption
     - truth against lies

     - In truth, this election will be very different from all preceding ones, including that of 2016. And its consequences and ramifications will have an impact on the whole planet for many years to come.

    The French writers at the website Dreuz which is pro-America, pro-Israel, pro-Christian, and decidedly pro-Trump have taken the time to carefully analyze the polls, the media reports on Biden, the misinformation that pours out of the newspapers, television and Internet on a daily basis, and they all conclude that Trump will win. Because of the lies, the urban violence, the obvious attempt to manipulate public opinion through fear of a virus, a virus that just happened to be released from a Chinese laboratory in time for the presidential campaign; because of the obviously compromised mental state of Joe Biden; because of revelations exposing deep connections between the Biden family and Communist China; because of the crowds that follow Trump, and the empty streets when Biden visits; because of the “Deep State” packed by Obama with liberals, globalists, immigrationists, and other traitors to the United States to such an extent that Donald Trump found himself surrounded on all sides with enemies where he sought competent colleagues, because of all these factors and more, the writers at Dreuz believe Donald Trump will win.

    I hope they are right, but this is not an honest election and anything can happen.

    Jean-Patrick Grumberg, administrator of Dreuz, was one of the first to notice Joe Biden’s slip of the tongue (if that is what it was!) when he said during a podcast interview on October 24:

    “… we have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

    Surely he meant anti-voter fraud. Or did he? The readers at Dreuz were amazed to say the least.


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    France is not a cut-throat country! 

    Thus spake French minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti on September 1, 2020 to Europe 1 television.


    A reader complains that my answer (in my previous post) is insufficient. He says the floodgates of immigration were opened because the French believe in equality. He is not wrong, but it is more than that. He blames the teacher for choosing his own materials. He is not wrong, but again, it is more complex if you consider that there seems to have been a well-organized plan to kill Samuel Paty. At what point in the sequence of events this plan was hatched I cannot say. He also made a comment about Pope Francis which I responded to in the comment section.

    All my answers are insufficient. I have never made a claim to completeness. Here are a few additional paragraphs on the murder of the teacher. The Internet has hundreds of articles in English that may help clarify questions you have.

    In this post I am using red color to emphasize, rather than italics. This is an exception, but I wanted to draw attention to certain words.

    First, I cannot read into the teacher’s mind. From my experience in teaching, and from the indications of my e-mail correspondent, and from what I know about the current French crisis in education as Islam takes over the schools, I infer that the teacher was under pressure to teach the values of the French Republic. The cartoons were part of the course description but I don’t know if a specific instruction to use them was included. Since he was the only one beheaded it appears he made the decision unilaterally, but I don’t think he wanted to be a martyr. He began to feel fear when he received threats, and he started a legal action against his accuser - a Muslim girl. He fell into a trap of his own making, but most of us in teaching experience similar traps without the outcome of a murder. We learn to pander, to reward mediocrity, to denigrate our own heritage, if we want to keep our job. And we avoid incendiary topics. He naively went into a discussion - the worst thing you can do.

    It is important to repeat that Samuel Paty allowed the Muslim students to leave the class before showing the cartoons. But Zaina, a 13-year-old  girl, did not leave with the others. Instead she reported to her father that the teacher was showing a photo of a nude man and calling him Mohammed, that the teacher was not a teacher but a thug. The father begins to cry on the video you can view here if you speak French.

    So instead of sparing the feelings of the Muslim students by letting them leave, Samuel Paty made things worse. The students realized that something terrible was going on in the classroom, when in fact Samuel was showing not a photo but a cartoon of a naked man on the floor identified as the Prophet. But that is bad enough. Children, Muslim or not, do not understand satire, and Muslim children above all cannot tolerate being made fun of. Proving that anti-blasphemy laws serve a purpose after all. And how can middle-school children be expected to understand freedom of speech through a ludicrous cartoon of Mohammed?

    Below, a double image: on the left the incriminating cartoon that set off the furor - and it is somewhat ridiculous as a focal point for freedom of speech! On the right Zaina's father, who collaborated in the killing. 


    Before the Islamic invasion, French schools, though rooted in Masonic ideology, were more discriminating than they are today. The influx of Muslims forced an intensification of ideology onto the existing republican ideals. When I was in France they never would have said all religions or all races were equal. They would have stressed the differences, all the while allowing that all humans are equal in their humanity, but not in the particulars. They may have loathed the Catholic Church but they were not so stupid as to deny the value of French authors, poets, artists, etc… who were Catholic or influenced by western religions and values. They valued their cathedrals, they valued their historic military victories, they were still teaching religious ideas  at the Sorbonne - in the context of literature. I’m speaking of 1962-1972.

    Change would begin after 1974 when the Muslims began to flood in, invited by the French government that was beginning to implement the goals of Eurabia - the well-known agenda to bring in Arab Muslims from North Africa, give them whatever they wanted: food, shelter, education, mosques, in exchange for cheap oil. Eurabia was not a conspiracy theory. It was an open secret - the documents were available for all to see and writer Bat Ye’or is to be praised for her role in revealing the agenda.

    This is why the gates were opened. At least it is the economic reason that dove-tailed so conveniently into the existing Masonic network of the Republic. So the Republic would enrich itself, the Muslims would get anything they wanted, the globalist, anti-nationhood agenda would take off, and the white Christian nations would slowly be driven out of existence. The One World long dreamed-of was at hand. At that same point in time - 1974 - the abortion law was passed. At first the law was meant to service a limited number of women, but we know that when you give an inch they take a mile, and we find today, 45 years later, that the French must deal with over a quarter million abortions a year and the potential for infanticide - despite the availability of contraception.

    The successive French governments have been operating on the defensive, partly out of fear, partly out of a fierce determination to shove Masonic ideology down the throats of the people, at any cost. They would rather see their people beheaded, disemboweled, slaughtered than admit that progressive Masonic republicanism is a distopian hell. They would rather see rivers of blood than well-protected borders. This is due to a psychological problem I cannot discuss because I am not a doctor, but the inability to admit one is wrong about something leads to a deepening of the original problem. We all know that. Emmanuel Macron is only the latest in a long line of afflicted leaders who cannot admit the truth.

    It must be re-stated that Muslims are in conquering mode so any pretext to behead someone is valid. Their solution to an offense is to kill. And the killing is a warning that more will come. Samuel must have known this, but he took a chance, probably assuming he could convince the class of the need to discuss these matters. Every sensible teacher knows you cannot discuss certain things in a classroom without igniting a furor. And every sensible leader knows a psychotic personality feels no empathy for his victims and thinks nothing of killing many times to assuage his thirst for blood.

    But I stated in my post that Samuel could have rebelled against his ministry of Education. He might have been reprimanded, or transferred, but he would be alive. He might have lost the respect of his progressive colleagues but he would have had the last laugh for having chosen not to commit suicide. I saw a few of my colleagues reject conformity only to be shunned by their colleagues. This is why teachers toe the line or leave. Once out of the school system only the most forthright admit the truth about what goes on inside, because they feel guilty, because no one takes them seriously. This is not a high IQ profession. Nor is it respected, though at one time it was moderately respectable. Teachers would do well to let the truth come out, and work to reignite a passion for subject matter rather than slave for a compulsory ideology, as harmful as it is hollow.

    Note: At Résistance Républicaine comments indicate the Internet is censoring videos that show Muslims talking about the murder.

    Below, Muslims gather to honor Samuel at the place de la République. Their masks are an ironic reminder of the virus, a minor threat to France, while Islam is the major threat to the beleaguered country. Was Samuel wearing a mask when he was beheaded? A lot of good it did him!

    From Wikipedia:

    The perpetrator, Abdoullakh Abouyedovich Anzorov, an 18-year-old Muslim Russian-born refugee of Chechen descent, killed and beheaded Paty with a 30-centimetre (12 in) knife. Anzorov was shot and killed by police minutes later. His motive for the murder was that Paty had, in a class on freedom of expression, shown his students a Charlie Hebdo cartoon depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

    French President Emmanuel Macron said that the incident was "a typical Islamist terrorist attack", and that "our compatriot was killed for teaching children freedom of speech". The murder was one of several attacks in France in recent years, and it created debate in French society and politics.

    And I say: You cannot teach freedom of speech to children. Furthermore, you cannot teach freedom of speech if you are going to prosecute patriots for defending their historical heritage, or have people fired for telling the truth about Islam, or censor anti-immigration articles. You can however, withhold the Mohammed cartoons from the explosive atmosphere of the classroom, especially when you must be aware of the potential for revenge. The French Republic killed Samuel.

    Below, the only photo I could find of the killer.

    Note: At Wikipedia (above link) there is a debate on changing the title of the article to the "Killing of Samuel Paty" from the "Murder of Samuel Paty". The reasoning is obvious. Somebody killed him (no specific motivation), rather than somebody murdered him (first degree implied).


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    As I’m sure you have heard, since all media outlets have abundantly reported it, a man was decapitated near Paris on October 16. Samuel Paty (above), a history teacher at the Collège du bois d’Aulne (a middle school) in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a city in the department of les Yvelines, was attacked and killed at about 5:00 p.m. while walking down the street. Since he had shown his class the infamous Mohammed cartoons we have to ask ourselves two questions: 1) Why show these cartoons to Muslim youngsters who, we know, have explosive temperaments and who are instructed by the Koran to kill the infidel, especially when the prophet Mohammed is mocked?  But we also know that Catholics are expected to endure endless mockery from satiric publications such as Charlie Hebdo that, in a relentless orgy of contempt,  blaspheme the Church, publishing cover after cover, through the years, of anti-Catholic obscenities, defying all decency, knowing nothing would happen to the authors, except perhaps a lawsuit here or there that would drag on forever. It is not a level playing field. Nobody is afraid of the Church; everybody is terrorized by Muslims. So everybody kneels to Islam. And governments, in this case Macron, insist it won’t be tolerated! “We will resist!” he said. “They won’t get away with it!”. To which more perceptive Frenchmen replied, “They have already gotten away with it!”  2) The second question (that will strike you as heartless): did Samuel Paty get what he asked for? How could he not know he would be targeted? How naïve can a man be?

    The answer to the first question is also the answer to the second. A loyal French reader who taught for many years sent me this e-mail:

     - Of course, I was horrified when I heard about our colleague who was beheaded ; he was ONLY obeying orders, did you know that? The ministry of education included such discussions about "freedom of speech" in the official "program" teachers are asked to follow...The use of the word "programme" shows clearly that teachers are supposed to be the vectors of the State propaganda; until I retired, I refused to obey blindly ; for instance, I kept teaching grammar as well as vocabulary ; The history of English-speaking countries as well as the changes in the modern world ; Shakespeare and Keats as well as Bob Dylan.....All this brought me comments full of venom ; that is why I retired as soon as I could!

    Some of my pupils have become friends ; I am sure none of them would have pointed at me to help a murderer ; none of them would have taken cash from a murderer! There having been kids to play that part against Samuel clearly shows how far down this country has come.

    So to the first question: Why show such cartoons to a class of Muslim children? the answer is: in order to parade before young eyes the wonders of the French Republic and its tolerance of blasphemous illustrations; in order to sing the praises of the tolerant French Republic as compared with the dogmatic Catholic Church! It is through an understanding of this tolerance of blasphemy that our young Muslims will learn to become sophisticated Frenchmen. And as for the second question: did he ask for trouble? I can only beg you to believe me when I say that anyone who goes into teaching in a multi-culti situation is asking for trouble. Sooner or later trouble will come. Still, Samuel could have disobeyed the dictates of French National Education. What his punishment would have been I don't know.

    Of course we don’t know for sure how Samuel Paty was handling the topic. He may have been just raising the question of freedom of speech and not necessarily condoning the cartoons, but the mere fact that he showed them was more than enough to trigger violence. The French ministry of Education could not have been unaware of the potential for revenge on the part of the students, and not surprisingly Samuel Paty soon became the object of threats. I read that he excused from class those students who were offended, but apparently a plot was hatched by several of them. They identified Samuel Paty on the social networks and demanded he be removed. The killer was himself soon killed by ten bullets fired by the police. He is said to have cried out “Allah Akbar!” as he fell. (Isn’t it amazing how quickly the police get their man once the killing has taken place?)

    Below, one of the Islamic agitators who plotted the fatwa against Samuel Paty, Abdelhakim Sefrioui. In 2010 somebody tried to strip him of French nationality without success. As for the killer, who was from Chechnya, the Justice system persuaded the administration (i.e., the government) to allow him to stay in France as a refugee. You see, everybody fights for the immigrants without any concern for the country.

    Samuel Paty was obeying the dictates of the French ministry of Education that hypocritically forces teachers to discuss “freedom of speech” in the classroom while the French government  censors countless online articles, Tweets, FB entries, and television comments. The French government carefully filters everything in the MSM, scrupulously chooses journalists, talk show hosts, and gleefully allows obscenities to be hurled at Marine Le Pen. The French government regularly monitors the justice system, creating and sustaining a system of laxness that releases hardened repeat-offenders with barely a slap on the wrist. The French government has, for fifty years, laid the groundwork for this and future beheadings through its open borders policy, which in turn is dictated by the European Union. (But Hungary does not obey the EU. Why did France feel so compelled to open the gates to the barbarians?)

    Comments at the websites indicate some Frenchmen feel the end is near - like right around the corner. At this point, even if Marine should win the presidential, she would face mammoth retaliation, as Donald Trump has. And if he wins in two weeks, it will be at best a reprieve, at worst unleashed indiscriminate violence. We, too, like France, have fallen that low.

    Why did France open the gates to Islam? Because the French Republic is and has been since the Revolution governed by the ideology of Freemasonry, hence fiercely opposed to the Catholic Church, opposed to the notion of a higher being that created us, opposed to the very idea of freedom, of individual freedoms, opposed to the notion of a carnel relationship between the nation and its people, opposed to the bonds of family that preserve that carnel relationship, opposed to any schooling that does not conform to masonic doctrine. They call Freemasonry the State religion of France. Who is “they”? Everybody! Except traditional Catholics and those independent thinkers who have resisted the rapid decline of human reason into political correctness, into the comfort zones of the Stockholm Syndrome and the New World Order (a.k.a.the Great Replacement). These patriots are brave, but not numerous enough to overthrow the Hydra.

    Now it’s all crocodile tears, parades in Samuel’s honor, and lo and behold! they are bestowing on him the Legion of Honor! But he doesn’t want some hollow medal from an imbecilic government that hates its own people. He wants his life back! As for the killer he went off to paradise in a state of ecstasy, proving once again that Islam is stronger than hypocritical liberalism, stronger than diluted Christianity, stronger than bendable Western law. Proving too that Muslims are on to us, manipulate us, laugh at us, and have nothing to fear from us.

    Note: There is, as you can imagine, much more. The French are far from unanimous in their condemnation of Islam, and the various perceptions of this crime remind one of the famous Japanese movie Rashomon. I will pause here and try to give you more concrete information in the days ahead.


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    In an astounding, audacious quadruple play, the French government has initiated no fewer than four bills, destined to become laws if the Macronian machine has its way, each bill more freedom-destroying than the next, two of them already on the path to ratification. But as of now, all of them could be defeated if the will of the people prevails. Remember the poem by Carl Sandburg “The People Yes!”? The atmosphere in France is nowhere near the triumphal tone of the poem, but if the people are pushed much further the guillotine could make a return appearance at the place de la Concorde, better named place de la Discorde! 

    A quadruple whammy. First, the bio-ethics bill well on its way to becoming law would deprive a child of a father in order to allow the child to have two mothers, i.e., two lesbians. The embryo would be the product of an unidentified sperm donor and a woman. The fertilized egg would then be implanted in the other woman - and voilà you have two mothers! This law that goes to such lengths to create a child for an abnormal couple, goes to equally great lengths to destroy a child, a nine-month old fetus, whose mother is suffering such psychological distress that she renounces her baby. What a way to help a woman in distress! Let her murder her own new-born! The law also permits a ninth-month abortion if there is a chance the baby has some type of abnormality. Even more troubling, a clause was quietly slipped into the bill denying conscience-stricken doctors the right to refuse to perform barbarities. Up to now, there have been “conscience clauses” that mercifully gave doctors an out if they were morally incapable of performing such deeds.

    Catholics and others outraged by this assault on human life were out in force on Saturday October 10 demonstrating all over France. Let’s hope their efforts bear fruit. (Photo above)

    There is much more on the bio-ethics bill, but moving on, there is still another bill, this one also relevant to abortion. (It would appear that abortion has become a fixation among French politicians). This bill would extend to sixteen weeks (currently it is fourteen) the waiting time for women who apparently can’t make up their minds.  At fourteen weeks a fetus has a brain that is crushed. The body is then cut into pieces.

    The third bill, so far as I know, has not yet been introduced in the National Assembly. Recently Emmanuel Macron announced his desire to end what he calls “separatism”, specifically Islamic separatism. He rightly acknowledged that Muslims live by their own laws, and are often home-schooled, rejecting the benefits of a French public school education. To remedy this he proposes to abolish home-schooling for everyone! For French Catholics who often have to resort to home-schooling in order to avoid the mediocrity, and socialistic, pro-Islam bias of the public schools, this is intolerable. They have fought long and hard to maintain some control over their children’s education, and home schooling has always been their salvation. In addition Macron proposes to have Arabic taught in all French public schools! So rather than eliminate Islamic separatism, he will simply eliminate traditional French education. This diabolical trick cannot be innocent on his part. Macron clearly despises his country and her heritage and takes full advantage of the presence on French soil of millions of Muslims who must at times regard the West with awe, such is our gullibility, our self-hatred, our loss of courage. No matter how anti-nationalist he was, socialist François Mitterand would not have done this.

    The fourth kick in the teeth to the French is the proposal to extend until April 2021 the lock-downs now being mandated all over France. Businesses, restaurants, bars, will be on “high alert” as the Corona virus continues to threaten the entire country in its so-called “second wave”. Many deny there is a second wave, many deny there are more deaths, many deny the hospitals are full, but no matter - Macron marches on, slamming a full load of restrictions on an exasperated public. An air of revolution prevails.

    I’m presenting this summary so that you have some idea what is going on but I hope to return to these topics in greater detail. If you hear about an uprising in France (not likely, but one can hope) you now have some idea what the frustration is all about.

    Below, Macron behind the mask is in fact a dictator without even a tenuous cultural connection to the country he leads. 


    Update: October 14, 2020 - In the fourth paragraph above I corrected the proposed waiting time. Originally I had written that the waiting time would be extended to fourteen weeks. In fact, the proposed extension is to sixteen weeks. Currently a woman has fourteen weeks to decide. 

    I also want to add that the most recent posts at Le Salon Beige indicate that for technical reasons the proposal to extend the waiting time may be abandoned altogether. Partly because doctors would rather not perform abortions in the sixteenth week (although they aren't objecting to fourteen!)

    In addition there is speculation that the threat of legalizing near-birth abortions (mentioned in the second paragraph) may be a ploy to fool Catholics.  This potential barbarity will naturally create an uproar.  So, to appease Catholics the proposal will be dropped. Once appeased the Catholics will go home and forget about the rest of the bill which will easily be adopted. The bio-ethics bill taken in its entirety is a monstrous document that includes the creation in the laboratory of "chimera": entities that are part human, part animal.

    Catholics, and everyone else, should look closely at the many facets of this bill. 

    Those of you who read French may be interested in the seven steps required for the passing of a law in France. A bill does not become law until both chambers vote on the same text, followed within several days by the "promulgation": a presidential decree that puts the law into effect. The president does not have the power of veto at that point. 



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