As if this incredible stolen election with its profound consequences for the USA and the rest of the world, were not enough to depress me to the point where writing and blogging become almost impossible, I have a wound on my left arm that is driving me crazy. The cat bit me! I’ve had cats (and two dogs) all my life, I’ve been scratched, punctured, and nipped at, but a real bite? Never! On Wednesday (12/16) I was in bed, he was cuddled next to me, I raised my arm and he took a flying leap and bit into the vein that gushed blood for several minutes. Running hot water over it stopped the bleeding. But it did not heal as I had hoped and so a trip to the doctor (12/21), antibiotics and misery have been my lot this week. This is called “cellulitis”, and is comparable to an abscess. Rarely does it heal without drugs. It seems to be slightly better today (12/24). What an ugly repulsive sore it is!
Hardly a pleasant Christmas story, but my personal pain is nothing compared to the collective fear, uncertainty, outrage, and disbelief we have experienced since the election, and especially since it became evident that the RINOS of the Republican Party were abandoning their leader. FOX News down the tubes, SCOTUS down the tubes, the GOP down the tubes. All down the tubes, into the toilet bowl of history. A mind-boggling array of traitors. Et tu Brute?, said Donald Trump as one by one they caved. Attorney General Barr; the corrupt governor of Georgia Brian Kemp; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (who is conveniently married to a Chinese woman. Quite a number of American politicians have Chinese women); News Max (the so-called “conservative” network); the White House staff some of whom refused to let Sidney Powell in to see DJT; Senator Toomey from Pennsylvania who feels Trump should concede so we can get on with business, etc… Business!!! How can we get on if we are squarely in the hands of the CCP? Which is exactly where we will be.
I have been posting on Twitter (click link at top), and I hope some of you follow me there even if you don’t care for Twitter’s limitations. I do intend to keep Galliawatch “alive” (but it is on “life-support” for now).
A reminder that two of the best Twitter pages I know of for information on the election are:
If you go to my or Diana’s Twitter page you will see a video of a speech Donald Trump gave yesterday. He gives a clear and concise description of what happened, of how the election was stolen.
I’ve mentioned Andy before - his videos chronicle the destruction of our cities, especially Portland, by leftist groups, at great risk to his own life.
Dr. Simone Gold has been valiantly supporting those doctors who use safe treatments such as the HCQ cocktail I have mentioned so many times (Hydroxy+zinc+antibiotic). She has just posted a Tweet informing that Dr. Zev Zelenko’s account has been suspended by Twitter. Dr. Zelenko is the creator of the “cocktail”. Recently he has acknowledged that the latest strain of the virus is much more contagious than the previous one. He suggests the new “vaccine” will probably be ineffective, but he feels the HCQ treatment may still work in the early stages of illness.
On the topic of HCQ, read Vlad Tepes article on the destruction of the HCQ factory in Taiwan. How mysterious - a plant that makes HCQ suddenly explodes just as the new and more powerful strain of virus appears.
In France, as you probably heard, Emmanuel Macron (to the glee of many) became infected with Covid-19, but has now recovered. He and his Prime minister Jean Castex continue to issue one order after another on lock-downs, resulting in confusion, frustration and sometimes rebellion as in Lyon on December 8 when a fireworks display was secretly organized despite orders banning all activities. The spectacle is a yearly event in Lyon celebrating the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary who protects the city. Apparently, religious patriots were undeterred by the mayor’s orders to cancel all activities. Below, image of the fireworks.
Another recent story concerns the killing of three gendarmes sent to the scene of a domestic quarrel in le Puy-de-Dôme The husband was heavily armed with knives & semi-automatic weapons. The wife had been terrorized by him, but the question that must be answered is whether or not the gendarmes were informed of the high risk of going after this man who was hell-bent on slaughtering anybody who came along. Who was he? As of now, I only know that Le Figaro calls him a “practicing Catholic, very extremist, a survivalist,” who entered shooting competitions. He fled the scene and was found dead of self-inflicted wounds to the head.
To call such a person a “practicing Catholic” is indicative of the twisted Masonic ideology that runs through French authorities. Maybe he was a Catholic, but it was not in the name of Catholicism that he committed these murders.
All over America, especially on the West Coast, guillotines have been introduced to warn the population of what is coming. A sadistic reference to the French Revolution, a terrifying omen of what could happen if governments continue to seize upon the virus as a way of controlling our every movement, our every thought. Similar in many ways to the horse's head in the bed of (I forget who) in The Godfather. Below, our flag about to be "be-headed". Death to America is the goal of Soros, Gates, High Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media. The American Democratic Party is now the American Communist Party. There is so far no indication Trump will call in troops or use any kind of military action. Others say he will, but he has not said so. I don't believe he will. Look at what it would unleash. But then, look at what we have to endure if he doesn't...
Pray for strength to get through this nightmare.
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