A Christmas unlike any other
As if this incredible stolen election with its profound consequences for the USA and the rest of the world, were not enough to depress me to the point where writing and blogging become almost impossible, I have a wound on my left arm that is driving me crazy.
3A very weary Thanksgiving
As is my unfortunate custom I started a new post about a week ago and have not yet finished, distracted as I am by events here in America. Every day brings some new shocking piece of news, some new potential catastrophe, some portentous event that destabilizes what little inner peace I have left.
2Refusing to concede
She says: Shut up and obey.
He says: We stole the election fair and square.
I cannot post on the election since I feel you all have been supersaturated with information, both true and false. French patriots are as concerned as we are.
Weakened France attacked on all sides
Note: despite the long delay I am posting this article because its importance has not diminished. It was begun about 10 days ago, then interrupted by the election. What happened in Nice is not the first attack, not the first beheading, and it won’t be the last.
A rapid overview
Please note: I have been unusually distracted by events in America. I hope to post soon on acts of terrorism in France and Austria, as well as Macron's sudden fall from grace in the Islamic world as he insists that the French Republic endorses a "right" to blasphemy.
Two dead in terrorist attack in Nice
It is now 5:26 a.m. I have not been to bed, and I must get some sleep.
There has been a terrorist attack in Nice. It took place inside the Cathedral of Notre-Dame.
French support for Trump
French patriots and French traditional Catholics have been following closely the American election. Even if they have complaints about Donald Trump, they have no doubts about the urgent need to re-elect him.
The French Republic killed Samuel Paty (and all the others)
France is not a cut-throat country!
Thus spake French minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti on September 1, 2020 to Europe 1 television.
A reader complains that my answer (in my previous post) is insufficient.
Who really killed Samuel Paty?
As I’m sure you have heard, since all media outlets have abundantly reported it, a man was decapitated near Paris on October 16.
8Stamping out freedoms, one by one (Updated)
In an astounding, audacious quadruple play, the French government has initiated no fewer than four bills, destined to become laws if the Macronian machine has its way, each bill more freedom-destroying than the next, two of them already on the path to ratification.
3Pushing France deeper into the abyss
While pretending to tackle problems Emmanuel Macron cunningly removes what little breathing space the people have.
1Turkey finances war against Armenia
Yves Daoudal, a Catholic blogger who closely follows the fate of Christians around the world in their struggle to survive against multiple hostile forces, here focuses on Armenia, considered to be the first nation to adopt Christianity (in 301).
2The never-ending persecution of Christians
If you follow Raymond Ibrahim's website you know that he keeps painfully accurate records of the persecution and slaughter of Christians by Muslims throughout the world.
The French connection in Wuhan
My recent post on former French minister of Health Agnès Buzyn revealed her deep involvement in the Wuhan laboratory in China that enabled her to foresee the pandemic that was to blast its way across most of the planet beginning in February 2020.
Dubious aid to migrants
The current French minister of Health, Olivier Véran, in view of the dramatic increase in Covid-19 cases in southern France, has placed the Aix-en-Provence-Marseille region under maximum alert. Bars and restaurants will be totally closed. (In Paris bars now must close at 10:00 p.m.
An admission from Agnès Buzyn
"When I left the ministry (of Health), I cried because I knew that the tidal wave was before us. I left knowing that the elections would not take place (...) From the beginning I thought only of one thing: the coronavirus.
2A wild seven months
From March through May 2020 we drowned in a daily flood of articles on the pandemic of COVID-19, the illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
3Soros' tentacles in America
A follow-up to my previous post on George Soros illustrates the extent of his power over American district attorneys in several cities run by the Democratic Party. His idea is that if you cannot get rid of the police you can at least prevent them from doing their job.
French Catholics pray for George Soros
If there were a prize for the most dubious good deed of the year it might go to the well-intentioned Catholic readers of Le Salon Beige.
2August 26, 1071
Here is an excerpt from an excellent article by Raymond Ibrahim. I hope you can take the time to read it. It reminds us of what our Christian ancestors of Anatolia endured hundreds of years ago, and what may lie ahead for our children and grandchildren, improbable though it may seem today.
A one-way observatory
In addition to a terrifying new law that regulates “bio-ethical” issues, that I will discuss in an upcoming post, there is another new agency in France that aims to police the normal if not laudable human emotion called hatred.
A summer of low-intensity jihad
Here is the latest article from French ex-pat Guy Millière who now resides in the United States.
2Blogger changes interface
As so often happens in life just when I had resolved to sit down and start blogging again, I find that Blogger has changed its interface, i.e. the procedures and options used to make the blog appear as it does. This includes colors, fonts, insertion of images and videos as well as links to articles.
6Fighting the plague
In this time of plague I must admit I have little interest in posting about the usual issues.
3The gulag that France has become
Here’s a powerful article from Robert Spencer, posted at Front Page Magazine, that will, more than any other article I’ve read lately, provide you with an accurate up-to-date description of today’s France, a country at war with itself, its heritage, its past, its people.